My Retro Gaming Livestream!

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Friday, September 4, 2009


I guess introductions are at hand right? Well...hello, and welcome to what I hope will be a series entries about my life as a gamer, and my opinions about where the industry is heading. Now let's get one thing straight right off the bat, don't lump me in with the "Casual" or "Hardcore" types(because there are types now *rolls eyes,*remember when being someone who plays video games wasn't cool and/or a fad?), for I am neither, I'm just a gamer, I enjoy a bit of everything, if it looks fun then I'll probably play it.

Namae wa?(Name): Devin
Age: 23 years _____(old/young...or whatever you decide)
Nationality: Japanese(yay, stereotyping! ^_^)
First Introduction Into Video Games: my 5th or 6th birthday, when my grandparents got a Nintendo Entertainment System for me
Favorite Video Game of All Time: Final Fantasy VII(now before you judge me on this one, let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed the story and elements that made up the world of FFVII before it became a fad to enjoy those games)
Current Favorite Titles:
/Dissidia Final Fantasy(PSP)
/Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of The Lions(PSP)
/Rock Band(360)
Favorite Genres: RPG, Action-Adventure, Puzzle, Fighting

Current Systems Owned:
/Xbox 360(360) <=====Current Favorite
/Nintendo Wii(Wii)
/Playstation 2(PS2)
/Nintendo DS Lite(DS)
/Playstation Portable(PSP) <=====Current Favorite

Past Systems Owned:
/Playstation(PS1) <=====Past Favorite
/Nintendo 64 <=====Past Favorite
/Sega Genesis
/Super Nintendo(SNES) <=====Past Favorite
/Nintendo Entertainment System(NES)
/Nintendo DS(DS)
/Gameboy Advance(GBA)
/Gameboy Color

Now, I'd say that I take playing video games more seriously than the average person(I took 2 days off from work in order to obtain/play a game on launch can make fun of me now, I know, I know...). However, not so much that it runs my life, but gaming is a big part of it. To me playing video games is like the equivalent of reading an exciting novel or watching a great movie, the fulfillment and entertainment that I get from it I can't really describe, I can say that It's only something that someone in the same situation as myself will be able to experience. I devote about 3-4 hours a day at minimum to video gaming(sounds like a lot, but trust me there are people who literally spend their lives on a game...seriously), usually not all in one sitting, it depends on the game.

Can someone love video games and not become a troll? Absolutely. Can these "individuals" become respectable members of society? Sure, why not? We're constantly growing, a community who started as outcasts and has managed to find acceptance in an ordinary world. We're your neighbor, a retail employer, the coffee shop guy, an officer of the law, your be quite frank, we're everywhere and everyone, and we're here to stay.

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