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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Turbo, a video game short film

Normally when we hear "video game movie," most of the gaming community feels a cold shiver run down their spine. At best a couple of these "films" have managed to do marginally alright, but just scooting to that point on the scale, It's nothing to be proud of. So why is it that when a movie based off of some video game, with a well written story(if there is one), and clearly defined everything else(characters, the mood, environment, etc.)end up more often than not, completely failing? The answer I could come up with is: some(company, writer, director, etc.)entity believes that they're going to put "their creative spin" on a realm that doesn't need to be tampered with. Hell, it doesn't just happen with adaptations, just trying to make a movie about video games itself usually end up as a giant fail idea too.

(Just to point out a few...)

Now, could I do any better? Hmm, I don't necessarily have the credentials for making movies, but as a gamer I would be able to tell more or less what would probably be a stupid idea from a good yeah maybe If I were to assist on some creative direction then maybe it would turn out for the better. I know you can't please everyone(myself included which is why I'm going on this rant), but there needs to be some kind of guideline to adapting a specific media that's already well defined into another.

Anyhow this isn't about me in the first place, I just got a little too carried away with the whole blog thing. Let me introduce Turbo, an independent short film about what the future of video games, namely the fighting genre may hold. The movie itself is somewhat cheesy and It's made that way on purpose, the acting is alright(much better than hollywood caliber as far as video game movies are concerned), believable in a geeky sense. The highlights of the film are definitely the special effects, and the overall style of the world this story takes place in.

Turbo clocks in a little under a half-hour, but that's more than enough in this case, to experience one of the better pieces of video game film that anyone has seen in quite some time. And if you like the film, please by all means support it by buying a DVD copy over @ Enjoy...hopefully!

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