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Monday, July 5, 2010

First Anime Impressions!: High School of The Dead 1

"A mysterious, lethal disease is on the loose worldwide, resulting in a catastrophic death rate of humanity, and the increasing rise of attacks, caused by the living deadthe living dead.

In Japan, several high school students and a
school nurseschool nurse have banded together to escape FujimiFujimi High School shortly after it was attacked by zombies. The group now attempts to figure who or what was responsible for this plague, and in the meantime, attempt to survive the present apocalypse.

The story is initially narrated through the eyes of
TakashiTakashi Komuro, one of the students who had survived in the initial outbreak."

(Description and image link back to 

High School of The Dead originally sparked interest in me while strolling through my local Barnes & Noble.  Without even looking at the cover, all I could think about was: "...oh boy, another zombie apocalypse scenario..." Needless to say that's all it really is, just another story about "a zombie apocalypse," usually stories like these are taken from the point-of-view of an adult(usually male), following their part in the experience. I didn't really even give it a second thought and moved on.

Today while browsing the web out of boredom, I happened to stumble upon the anime series, which apparently was green-lit back in February of this year.  The animation studio Madhouse, known for collaborating with the CLAMP group(Chobits, X, and Card Captor Sakura to name a few)will be at the helm for this project. With the opening theme: "HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD" performed by Kishida Kyōdan & The Akeboshi Rockets, and ending theme: "Major Doubt!" by Maon Kurosaki(insert Bleach joke here)

High School of The Dead(classified as a Shounen-type story)is about the zombie apocalypse, in which an unknown global epidemic rapidly spreads, turning the population into the living dead.  However a turn in the typical "zombie" story presents itself right away(given the title and all), where the point-of-view is shifted from and adult perspective to that of a teenager.  


Takashi Kumuro(head strong, brash arch-type), a sophomore dealing with the inadequacies of being a teenager(typical teen-angst/drama)when quite literally all hell breaks loose as he witnesses the P.E. teachers viciously murdering each-other after being bitten by an unknown infected.  As terror and chaos begin to descend on the school, Takashi hails to his friends: Rei Miyamoto(love interest-arch-type, whose relationship is strained because she no longer reciprocates her feelings of love for Takashi)and Hisashi Igo(level headed arch-type, boyfriend of Rei)to escape the madness.  While hesitant at first they reluctantly flee with him, having witnessed the vicious murders first hand.  They manage to escape to the roof-top/observatory of the school, but not before Hisashi is bitten on the arm.  Realizing that he will eventually turn, Hisashi pleads to Takashi to end his life as he would rather not become one of "them."  Rei begs Takashi to reconsider, causing him a moments hesitation and allowing Hisashi to become one of "them," going against her wishes, Takashi reluctantly ends Hisashi's life by smashing his skull in with a bat(look at that, a survivor that isn't stupid!) Angry and distraught over the death of Hisashi, Rei takes her anger out on Takashi, inciting that he only did it because he secretly hated her for going out with Hisashi instead of himself.  Instead of fighting back, he simply states that she needs time to sort this through and that in the meantime he'll kill all of "them" so that they may escape.  Selfishly(not too harshly on that word since who wouldn't be in this scenario)and fearfully not wanting to be alone, Rei pleads with Takashi to not leave her side, they embrace in turn mending their past feelings for the time being.

**********END OF SPOILERS!**********

Honestly, I liked this one.  It seemed very surreal, and also while being a Shounen-type of story it doesn't add any over-the-top moves that defy the laws of the world.  It's very realistic in It's approach to the scenario and how the characters react to the violently changing world around them, much like The Walking Dead(a comic/recently turned TV series about the trials and tribulations of an apocalypse such as this one)

So, if you like zombies, and don't mind a little fan-service from time to time, give High School of The Dead a go.  It's slated for a 12 episode run, with the manga series up to 5 volumes so far, and still on-going!  I'll be keeping this one on my radar, with a follow-up article once the anime series concludes!

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